Please see below FAQ about the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), often asked by our clients. The Smart Export Guarantee is seen as a replacement to the Feed in Tariffs (FITs).
What is the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)?

The Smart Export Guarantee, also known as SEG, is a way for solar power generators in the UK to get paid for any of there solar power that is exported to the gird.
The Government has enforced electricity supply companies that have 150,000 electricity customers or more to offer the Smart
Export Guarantee (SEG) to its customers.
Electricity supply firms with less than 150,000 customers still have the option to offer the SEG, but are not obliged.
Ofgem who govern energy in the UK have more information here.
What Electricity Supply Companies are offering the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)?

There is plenty of electricity supply companies that have decent offerings for the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). Some of the best we have found, offering great smart export tariffs is Octopus Energy, E.ON Energy, Bulb Energy and OVO Energy.
SEG payments were made compulsory, to qualifying firms (150,000 customers or more) as of January 1st 2020, but many started before that date.
Do I Qualify for the Smart Export Guarantee?

The smart export guarantee is available to anyone who has up to 5 megawatts of Solar photovoltaic (solar PV), Wind, Hydro, Anaerobic digestion (AD), or up to 50 kilowatts for Micro combined heat and power (CHP).
For solar PV, you will require a valid MCS certificate. This should be given to you by your solar installer. Depending on the size of your system you will need either a Smart meter or an export meter. This is what will count the electricity that is being exported.
In order to get a valid export MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number), you will need to have registered your system with the DNO (district network operator). In most cases your installer will sort this out.